The Best American Stories 1985
Start date – Sept 10 2010
Finish date – March 4 2011
So, in closing, here is the breakdown for BASS 1985
25 weeks
175 days
125 week days
Which works out to:
One story every – 8.75 days
Wow, almost 6 months to complete this anthology. Well, I suppose that “life” had a little bit to do with this. I will forever associate this volume of the series with the birth of my son. Even with this wonderful association, this volume was a hard read. I was so distracted by everything, and there really weren’t stories to pull me through.
There were standouts –
“The Sudden Trees”, “You’ve come a Long Way Mickey Mouse”, “Fellow Creatures” and “Angela”.
I couldn’t synch up my reading with my drive to write about a particular story. I finished several other novels as I struggled through this volume – most notably, Resurrection by Tolstoy.
Now that I’ve entered into a new phase of my life…a new chapter…a new segment, I’m ready to attack the next volume with vigor.
Bring on 1986...PLEASE!