Gilbert Sorrentino – Decades

Gilbert Sorrentino - April 27, 1929 – May 18, 2006

This was a really fun little story.

It revolves around a writer... and well... I think it provides the reader with what they would envision a typical writer’s life to be. Drinking, drugs, relationship troubles (intimate and friendships), poor income and to me, what seems to be ever present in the “writer” type stories – a threesome.

The narrator has a relationship over the years with the Steins. He chronicles their ups downs and general “going abouts” in parallel with the events of his own life.

It all seems very 1970’s looking back on it from 2009. I can hear the tinny sounds of AM radio from my mother’s kitchen in 1979. Took me back.

In the research I have done on Sorrentino, he is described as a postmodernist. I am still attempting to discover the exact meaning of that label but I feel confident that I can lump him in there with the collection I will ultimately use to form my final definition. Nice little story to slide in towards the end of this volume.

Score 7 out of 10

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