Larry Heinemann (born 1944)
I find it funny, maybe a bit strange that this is the first story addressing the Vietnam War that I have come across in my reading project. It took 2 ½ volumes.
Perhaps it was the curse of the 1970s that prevented a mention or thought of it.
Sure, I know when this was first published...but why have there not been other stories until now?
Heinemann –
Reading interviews with the author, he doesn’t hide how he feels about the Vietnam War and his experience there. His honesty is brutal but needed and I think that the honesty was needed then and perhaps it is needed now...since we seem to be living in the age of the endless war.
But are we really “at war” or has this reality that we exist in now just become the new normal?
Where are the anti-war novels and short stories of today?
Interesting isn’t it?
Ahhh...yes...there isn’t any money behind an anti-war novel. There is plenty of money behind novels such as Joker One (not necessarily pro-war – but not really anti).
How many accounts from retired Generals or Majors are out there describing the battles that they engaged in?
Are these war porn novels? I read Joker One and enjoyed it. I considered it a war novel though. I did not consider it an anti-war novel.
I’m not going to weigh in on one side or another on the endless war(s) that we are in now...but I think that it would be quite healthy for the country to ingest some of that poison I discussed several entries ago. We need to hear about the nasty things that go on in war. We need to hear about the deaths in
Perhaps, several years from now, after some of the grunts return and take advantage of the GI Bill education they deserve, (currently, there are many vets doing this) they will publish these stories and novels, and we will all sit back and say wow – we never knew...we were so busy spending money with our credit cards watching “The Bachelorette” on our 80 inch plasma T.V. to noticed how messed up you are and how you want to kill everyone due to PTSD.
Look – I know I am simplifying this – wayyy over the top simplification.
I just feel that what is going on out there is not healthy, and we aren’t paying close enough attention to what is going on in our collective name.
Sure, there is an all volunteer military force. – Try to get a job outside of the military though. Good luck.
The stats for survival within the military are great. Pay is wonderful – not to mention the benefits. Problem is – what if you are one of those guys from
Yeah – good luck dealing with that for the rest of your life.
Am I insulting someone by asking that? Should I not even dare ask that?
What is so wrong about discussing the killing that was, and is being done, with a returning soldier?
Yes, the subject should be approached respectfully – you don’t just go up to a guy and say “hey did you kill anybody over there?”
Where do I get off talking like this? What combat experience do I have?
Well- no combat experience – but does that restrict me from asking that question? I think that asking questions and not being punished for asking them is one of our greatest freedoms – and those freedoms – were purchased with blood. Were they purchased with the blood of the men and women fighting today? No – are they honestly defending my right to ask those questions by fighting the Taliban in
Do the Taliban have a military force that could actually take down our government and restrict what I am saying right now?
‘Be careful” all you slippery slope people say...
Who is more likely to take away my freedoms? The Taliban in a village in
Yemeni terrorists trained in
I think that being a walking contradiction or holding beliefs that can seem on the surface as being contradictory is healthy.
Sure, you can look on my bio over there on the right and see that I was in the Peace Corps. But please, I won’t label you without truly knowing you if you don’t label me without truly knowing me.
I have many questions in my head.
Questions that take weeks, months and years to answer. Some questions may never be answered. But it is through my reading that I am able to go deeper into my question, become more confused, or see some light at the end of the tunnel.
-Look, I know that I’m not a great writer. I’m not even a good writer. Please, count the mistakes on this page.
I can’t explain my positions very well. I have trouble putting down on paper what I really feel – or at least making others understand what I really feel. I can recognize a good writer when I read them – and I know I’m not one. I just put words on the screen and it makes me feel better. And isn’t that what its all about?
What did this story leave me with? It left me with the thought that we need to recognize dissent.
Stop being afraid. Consider the other side. Just because someone doesn’t agree with you on a certain position doesn’t mean that they are going to kill you...or that they support those who want to kill you.
And I’m not talking about dissent directed towards the war or the government. I am talking about dissent that contradicts what you hold the truth to be – in anything.
From your favorite TV show, to an author, a movie, a car...anything. Just stop being afraid of those who don’t agree with you.
We need to question more. Question everything.
Look at where we are as a country. Look at where we could be going. How did we get here? Where were the questions? Where are the questions?
Here are a couple of passages taken from interviews with Heinemann.
The Atlantic interview June 1997
Writing about what you know or don't know is hardly the issue. As I take it, storytelling is guided self-discovery, a meditation; it means listening deeply down into your most human (and humane) imaginative resources.
Sometimes your imagination is overwhelmed by a single subject or event. The Holocaust,
Logosonline - Interview from 2003
We all heard the stories of getting spit on, that mythology, when we were overseas. I can tell you that when I arrived home I was not in the mood. Some years ago I read from Paco’s Story at the
I don’t think a month – a week goes by without me thinking about the path that my life has taken. I think that because of my work, and the exposure to the military that we have here in
The chances for me to sign on the line were numerous and all too easy.
From high school – entering at the age of 18 – enlisted
-To college – possibly the Reserves and then off to the Officer Corps.
I actually had my father – not discouraging me from joining.
What kept me from taking that step? Once again, this is where I drift into the thoughts of predestination.
Where is my life going? What is out there waiting for me?
Score - 9 out of 10.
Hey – why don’t you take the above as a work of Fiction – a story? It’ll make the pill go down easier. I promise.
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