Charles Johnson April 23, 1948 –
"As an undergraduate at Southern Illinois University, Johnson studied with novelist and literary theorist John Gardner, whose conception of "moral fiction"-demanding from the author a near-fanatical commitment to technique, imagination, and ethics-deeply impressed Johnson."
I can’t help but feel, that it was included in this collection for one reason only – John Gardner is once again using this anthology to push his disciples forward in the literary world of the 1980s.
And you know, I can’t really see Ravenel offering any sort of resistance to what he has done.
Knowing the personality of
So – here is a bit about the relationship between Johnson and Gardner – This is taken from the “African American Review” – full citation at the end of the post.
“At his home, I plopped three of the six unpublished novels I'd written in two years down on the meadhall-sized table in his dining room. Far from seeming like an ogre, Gardner, wearing wrinkled bluejeans that day and a white shirt that curved around his slight paunch, came across as kind. There was nothing phony or pretentious about him; he was the very portrait of self-confidence, but also self-mocking, and deeply involved in the work of the chattering students crammed into his house.”
And as their friendship developed:
“The distance between teacher and student collapsed; he began treating me like a younger brother. He took possession of my literary development and, I believe, saved me five or six years of groping on my own. In our conferences and conversations
As a mentor:
And again as a friend:
“I made it a point early on in our friendship never to ask him for anything. And since I never asked,
The development and inclusion of “Gardner People”:
“Once he opened up,
On his sudden death:
“And then he was dead, killed in a motorcycle accident on September 14, 1982, on a lonely, curving stretch of road in
I suppose that Johnson’s skill and talent deserve the recognition of
Johnson was and is hugely successful, and he attributes his early success to the relationship he had with
What I feel is a sort of “cheapness” to have this story included here.
Finally, all
Once again, what I am seeing develop into a lesson for me as provided by this story and the others that Gardner has included, is that sometimes it helps to have friends and teachers that are willing to take that extra step on your behalf.
Too many times – in my life, I’ve sought to isolate myself from assistance.
To distance myself from help – to almost forbid myself from asking for it. I need to learn to take advantage of the resources that are at my disposal – perhaps someday, I’ll have a John Gardner type person that will step into my life, I just hope that he/she hasn’t already passed me by.
Ok. I'm still waiting for you to analyze the story and tell me why you felt it was cheap. All you did was ramble about Johnson's friendship with Gardener. OK, we already know that; you didn't have to copy and paste from several interviews to prove that point. When Exchange Value was published in "The Best American Short Stories of the Eighties" Gardner was there to assist too? When he won the National Book Award same year, Gardener was on the jury too? All I can say is that you didn't understand the story. This might help: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Exchange_Value