Rolf Yngve born around 1951???
There are times, and those times come in lengthy intervals, when I run across a really good short story. I do hold hope that those times will come with greater frequency as I progress through the years of BASS but for now, finding little treasures like “The Quail” will do just fine.
There was a special feeling that the writing imparted from the first few paragraphs of this story. It had real substance – meat. It was thick and full of flavor, but at the same time easy for the mind to flow over the words and sink into the story.
I found connections with the couple in the story...as I feel that most young couples would. Hope, devotion, longing, wonder, love, warmth and the knowledge underlying it all that all of those feelings is a certain fragility and that at any time one or more of those feelings could be extinguished by a force unseen – or seen. You could say that your life together sometimes would be similar to walking across a frozen lake in spring.
I read the final two paragraphs twice. I wanted to derive from the words their full strength.
Upon reading the biographical notes at the back of the volume, I came across a pleasant surprise.
I’ll reproduce it below.
- Rolf Yngve is a native of
The first thought that I had when I read this was that it sounded an awful lot like a fragment from the bio’s of authors in the back of “Glimmer Train”. I should also say that that occurred simultaneously with the “Holy crap” moment I experience with the
I had to know more about this guy. I fired up the Google machine and “pop” there you go. I see a Rolf Yngve with a Facebook page. I see that some of his interests include those of a literary genre. Hummm...I’d bet this is him. I wrote to him asking if he was in fact the author of “The Quail”. Figured that I’d start there. Early this morning, I discover a nice message from Rolf in my inbox. In short, yes he did write it. Looks like he is writing once again. – Great! - I decided to do some more digging. I find the below on the NewPages Blog
Third place: Rolf Yngve, of
Rolf also has a Blogger profile and 2 reviews on Amazon.
I like his “In My Own Words” passage on Amazon.
“It occurred to me that I somehow find things to read not widely known or appreciated. I like a fine turn of phrase, a skilled account, and a humanist's view (humanist in the modern, non-atheistic sense.)”
And appropriately, under interests:
"Reader of non-mainstream literary fiction. I actually subscribe to literary magazines."
Google books returned him in the table of contents of the Quarterly West with a story entitled “Clean Fires”.
I suppose that the above mentioned story is the other published work considering it was contained in an early issue of QW.
“The Quail” was wonderful and I enjoyed my little brush with Rolf. I wish him success in his future writing!
Finally in closing, I should mention that I only include these briefs about the authors as a way to cement them deeper in my memory. Researching them gives me insight to their skills and where they could be operating from. Everything I find about them is freely available on the web or drawn from the bio pages of BASS. I am only mentioning this as to not freak out any of the authors who may stumble across these little postings.
Score 10 out of 10.