The Best American Short Stories 1984 - Completed!

I’m letting out a deep sigh I as write this closing for “The Best American Short Stories 1984”.

I had such high hopes for myself when I started this anthology. I felt that I would attack it and read through it with all the gusto as say…the John Gardner edited anthology.

Perhaps I didn’t want to finish this collection. Honestly, the stories collected here by Updike were outstanding. Collected, I think I have enjoyed them the most of all the BASS I have read to this date.

Of course, I did wonderful job of throwing obstacles up in front of my progress.

I read Ian Frazier’s rather large book - “Travels in Siberia” (absolutely wonderful). And reading this book pushed me into my Russian phase which caused me to start this new blog -

I’ve spent a good amount of time reading and writing about Tolstoy’s “Resurrection” as my first selection for that journal.

So, in closing, here is the breakdown for BASS 1984

It took -

2 months 29 days


12 weeks six days


90 days


64 week days

Which works out to

One story every 4.5 days.

Gender profile of the anthology - 12 men and 8 women.

Stories from representing certain magazines more than once. - 5 from The New Yorker, 2 from The Georgia review, 2 from The Greensboro Review.

Goodbye John Updike and thanks for some great reads.

Now…1985 is approaching quickly!

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